Episode 53

Published on:

27th Nov 2023

Paraverse: illuminate me episode 11 - Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh na-na

Prepare for another mind-bending journey as the hosts of "Illuminate Me" tackle a new set of tantalizing conspiracy theories in this episode. Tasha, Stacey, Luna, and Nath bring their wit and insight to unravel the mysteries surrounding the end of the world, the Kardashian curse, the Illuminati's initiation rituals, and the perplexing Havana Syndrome.

Tasha takes centre stage as she delves into the apocalyptic prophecy that the world was supposed to end on 23rd September, and the theories behind it. Looking at the films that mentioned the date and where the rumours started, Tasha tries to find any truth behind the claims. (Spoiker alert, it didn't happen) 

Next, Stacey shifts the spotlight onto the Kardashian curse, exploring the alleged misfortunes that befall those connected to this iconic family. From failed relationships to career setbacks, Stacey examines the web of rumours and speculations surrounding this modern-day curse.

Then Luna takes listeners on a captivating journey through the secret world of the Illuminati, uncovering the bizarre initiation rituals that conspiracy theorists claim celebrities must endure. She also delves into the sensational tale of Taylor Swift's alleged involvement in the elusive cult, separating fact from fiction.

Lastly, Nath explores the perplexing phenomenon known as Havana Syndrome, a series of unexplained health incidents that have affected diplomats and government officials. From alleged sonic attacks to conspiracy theories involving espionage, Nath navigates the complex web of information surrounding this mysterious syndrome.

All of this followed, as always, by some amazing facts. 

Join the Paravese Crew for an episode that promises to entertain, intrigue, and challenge your perceptions. Tasha, Stacey, Luna, and Nath guide listeners through a landscape of uncertainty, questioning the narratives that shape our understanding of these intriguing conspiracy theories. Get ready for revelations and revolutions as the hosts shed light on the secrets that captivate the imaginations of conspiracy enthusiasts around the globe.

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About the Podcast

Paraverse - Live show and podcast series
Paraverse Live Show & Podcast Series consists of 5 shows currently. Our flagship live show is where the hosts either research and discuss a topic at length or interview a guest on their field of expertise or personal experiences. Illuminate Me, where we discuss conspiracy theories we have found online and the likelihood that they may be true. Eerie theories, in which we look into urban legends and strange experiences people claim to have had. Our 2 newest shows, Forgotten Unsolved, our cold case and unsolved mysteries podcast & Tin Foil Chats, where we ask you for your conspiracy theories, and you can try to convince us and our listeners.
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About your hosts

Nathan Lockley

Profile picture for Nathan Lockley
Hi, I'm Nath, one of the many hosts of the Paraverse live show & podcast series. I am a UFO investigator, paranormal researcher and author of 'The Unexplained: Paranormal Encounters In The UK'. I started the Paraverse live show with Gaz Brown in 2021, and it has grown much more since then.

Luna Lockley

Profile picture for Luna Lockley
I'm Luna! I’m one of the co-hosts of Eerie Theories and Illuminate Me on Paraverse. I love all things creepy and am quite the tin foil hat-wearing weirdo 🙂

Natasha Young

Profile picture for Natasha Young
Like a ghost, I'm seen before I'm heard! I’ve lived my whole life around the paranormal and I'm keen to learn about what goes bump in the night, and why. I'm also moderately obsessed with Mothman's ass!

Stacey Michelle

Profile picture for Stacey Michelle
Hi I'm Stacey one of the newest members of the paraverse team! Would you believe I got invited to join the podcast by spending hours on end (usually when I'm meant to be working 😂) talking about the weird and wonderful mysteries of the world with luna and nath who I have known for around 10 years now. Time flies when your exchanging ghost stories and conspiracy theories!

Gaz Brown

Profile picture for Gaz Brown
For as long as I can remember, I've been obsessed with all things Science and Astronomy and I felt quite sure that I had a somewhat basic grasp on the laws of physics and the world we live in as a whole. In the early 80s however, I came upon a TV show called "Arthur C Clark's Mysterious World" and I was hooked!

And after several hundred investigations later... I'm still hooked. Most of my time recently has been taken up with studying the UAP phenomenon and the subject of many online shows I've hosted over the years. My research continues to this day with more questions than ever and together with my Co-host Nath, we endeavour to find answers on our Paraverse Live show.